Eastern / North Shore / Central Regions
Golf on Prince Edward Island
PEI is Canada’s smallest province in both size and population, but it offers 27 golf facilities, all of which are open to public play. A third of PEI’s facilities were built after 1990, and the island boasts a strong supply relative to its full-time residents. PEI boasts one golf hole per every 343 residents on PEI and a population of 6,179 for every 18 holes! (2015 Golf Canada Golf Facilities Report).
The financial spin-off from the golfing industry on PEI is significant. Almost 80% is non-golfing consumption. Restaurants, retailers, accommodations, entertainment venues, tourism operators and others all benefit directly from the influx of people who came to PEI to play golf. Given that much of the island is sparsely developed, many of the province’s courses offer breathtaking views of the ocean and rolling hillsides. In 2011, PEI was named the Undiscovered Golf Destination of the Year by the International Association of Golf Travel Operators.